Hi Ho, Hi Ho, it's back to homeschooling we go!
Good morning everyone. I thought now would be the perfect time to get back into blogging.
Well, summer is officially over, the public schools kids started back yesterday. My crew and I are taking two weeks off to regroup, reorganize and get acclimated to new schedules before we start our school year and boy is it going to be a busy one.
I am going from homeschooling one to homeschooling none to homeschooling three. Organization is going to be the key to my sanity, I can see it now. I also decided to purchase different curricula this year to save me some time. The best part of what I've purchased is that I will be able to use it for all three kids which will save us money in the long run.
This year Bryce is in Third Grade, Noah in Kindergarten and Abigail is in Pre-Kindergarten but I suspect she will be starting on Kindergarten by the first of the year.
Several weeks ago, I purchased The Well Trained Mind. I have to say that I love the book. We are using this approach for homeschooling this year.
Everyone is learning American Sign Language this year. We are using the program from Signing Time. Everyone that I have spoken to about it has had nothing but wonderful things to say about it. We were able to get it off of Ebay for about 70.00 cheaper than what the site is selling it for.
Bryce is beginning Latin this year. The curriculum we are using is from Classical Academic Press. The best part about this particular curriculum in my mind is the fact that it come with DVD's of an actual Latin instructor teaching a class. This is especially great because I do NOT speak Latin at all but I am anxious to learn with Bryce.
Abbie and Noah both are showing an interest in reading, yay! We are using the book, The Ordinary Parents Guide to Teaching Reading along with the Bob Books to help them along.
We are using the products from elementalscience.com for our sciences this year. Noah will be taking Intro to Science and Bryce will be taking Chemistry and Earth Science and Astronomy.
Bryce will be using The Story of the World for his history lessons this year.
For math, the kids will be using MEP.
This years spelling lists will come from the Super Teacher Worksheets website.
For Grammar and Language Arts I am using a combination of First Language Lessons and the lessonpathways.com curriculum.
We will also be using workbooks, lapbooks, and many of my "go to" websites for more information, to supplement, etc.
It is going to be a busy year but I am sure we will enjoy it.
We recently joined a local homeschooling group. We are all excited about the group and look forward to the weekly meet-ups. They are very active and there are lots of plans in the works for activities and field trips. So much for that pesky socialization issue. ;0)
Last but not least, I have been rearranging our homeschool room so I thought I would share some pictures with you.
Happy Homeschooling!
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